Psychometrics in Coaching

Psychometrics add value in coaching by...

Giving you valuable insights into how you lead. They provide a measure of your personality, values, cognitive ability and the behaviours that are predictors of successful leadership performance.

A deeper dive into what matters…

When used by a Chartered Coaching Psychologist they can make coaching more effective by quickly providing insights that can deepen your understanding of yourself. So, if you have done any, or would like to, we can use them in your coaching sessions.

Tools that I use regularly include…

Hogan Assessments 

Describe how you relate to others when you are at your best, but also the personality traits that emerge in times of strain that can disrupt relationships, damage your reputation and derail your chances of success. It provides insights into your goals, values, drivers and interests.


The FIRO aims to help you understand what drives you in your relationships. It helps you to understand how you come across to others, how and why conflict arises and helps you to understand how you can improve your effectiveness when interacting with your colleagues.

Saville Wave

The WAVE is a job-relevant tool that measures a wide range of behaviours that are predictors of successful job performance. When used in coaching it provides a way of quickly identifying your strengths and areas for development.

The NEO PI-R-3 

The NEO provides a detailed description of personality and enables a deep dive into your behavioural style and temperament.

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator 

The MBTI tool builds a robust foundation for life-long personal development.  It provides a framework for understanding differences and strengths.

Aptitude and Ability Tests 

Aptitude and ability tests measure the core abilities relevant for a range of roles, from entry level through to managers and executives.